The lack of information within this means we cannot see as a group where we could've improved, however the scores that were given to us are quite high and we are pleased with that.
Friday, 30 March 2012
Feedback for our final film
Once again, this feedback is quite positive and detailed in areas where we exceeded and areas that could be improved (How easily the titles could be read). This is something that allows us as a group to look at in terms of how we can improve. It is unfortunate that this member found the titles hard to read and it is something we could work on in the future.
Feedback for our final film
This is the most criticising feedback form we received, however the positivity that is still included (e.g. "quality titles", "sub genre was clear") allows us to feel that we still created a successful horror and that the problems mentioned were not big enough to ruin our movie.
Feedback for our final film
This is great feedback for our film, it is reassuring that others within our group thought so well of our film and actually liked what we created.
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Coursework FINAL PIECE. Sorraya Begdeli, Samantha Whawell, Kane Anson
Here is our final piece, this is something that we have worked incredibly hard on as a group over the past few months to plan, create and put together. We feel happy with the idea of the story and feel happy with our film also.
Friday, 23 March 2012
On Wednesday we finally finished our filming, this was a big relief as time was running out. We feel we have the right footage now to portray our film in the way we see best. This final lesson will be quite busy as we have a lot to do, we have to put our film together, finish our music and then hopefully finish the film.
Friday, 16 March 2012
Feedback for the first preview (film unfinished)
The feedback from this form is quite positive and it also mentions how we use 'good close ups'. This is quite helpful to us as a group because we know the importance of using many good closeups within this film, so to hear that we have done this is great.
Feedback for the first preview (film unfinished)
The positive feedback from this is reassuring to us a group, however the main criticism to this ('don't understand why she's in the woods') is something we don't feel we can change as our film will remain based within the woods. However, the main factor we could work on is providing a form of explanation to the viewer as to how she ends up in the woods and why. Hopefully then, this will allow the audience to understand our film a bit better.
Feedback for the first preview (film unfinished)
The main criticism to this was that we needed more shot types, and this is something which at this point I agree with. I think that once we have edited more footage and put it together, this will then reveal that we do have more shot types available however as we are currently still editing, there are less shot types featured. Overall however, once again we have quite a positive feedback.
So far this is our media film that we have created, it's took us 3 weeks to create so far due to weather and camera bookings etc. So far as a group we feel that the projects going fine but we have just realised we are running short on time so our next filming session is going to be the wednesday coming up. We have included our 'Shadows' production logo at the beginning to introduce the audience to the film company. As you can see the film is a bit jumpy at times but we hope to have that sorted out soon. We have also improved greatly on our title sequence.
Feedback for the first preview (film unfinished)
Feedback for the first preview (film unfinished)
At this point in time, music had not yet been added to our film which explains the n/a feedback. Overall the feedback was quite positive and had only one criticism. This is quite reassuring to our group as at this point we still have a lot left to add to our film and this tells us we are working to an acceptable standard.
Thursday, 15 March 2012
As of Wednesday we have finally finished recording all of our title sequence, this was quite a big relief to our group considering we have had to film on many separate occasions due to different circumstances rather than film the entirety on one occasion. However, I feel that this has allowed us to put more preparation into individual scenes. Now that our title sequence is finished, this means all we have left to do is a few more shots for our main film and then to film a burning book for the cut scenes in-between our title sequence. As of now, the work which we need to focus on most is editing the footage so that it has good continuity and creating the music to accompany our film.
Friday, 9 March 2012
Improvements on Editing (also included title sequence)
This is an improvement to our previous edited version as instead of having the large pan from a further angle, we have a close up shot of the character's face as she sees the hand and not only this, we have included a shot reverse shot to provide more impact for the audience. This is a better portrayal of horror as we see the character's true reaction at a close angle.
Second Shoot Editing
This is our second edited version and we feel the editing runs a bit smoother now, one problem we have discussed is that on the shot in which our character sees the hand by the tree, the pan we use leaves too much of a widespread gap within our footage and doesn't seem realistic to what we are trying to achieve. We thought we could change this by having a closer recording of the character's face and her shock when she sees the hand. Also, timing is an important aspect to consider as we have already used roughly 30 seconds of footage.
Bang! Film Festival
Here is a short documentary of the 'Bang!' film festival in Nottingham which allows independent films to get a viewing. This is a possible form of distribution for our movie.
Friday, 2 March 2012
Why Movie soundtracks are so important
This video truly shows how important a movie soundtrack can be when it comes to adding effect to a film. The two contrasts of music throughout this clip show instantly the two different reactions you receive as a viewer. Music is not always noticed by the audience, however it is such an essential contribution to film that if done wrong, can change the entire mood and intentions of a clip. This video has allowed me to look at the importance soundtracks have on a film and from this, we as a group can work together to create a piece of music which accompanies our film in a beneficial way.
What We Need To Do:
We still have quite a few things left to do for our final deadline however we feel we are working at a good pace to get everything done.
Due to bad weather on both of our booked filming dates, this meant we were unfortunately pushed back a lot for timing. The first date left us unable to film due to large amounts of snow which would effect continuity if we had to go back and refilm and the second date (which we began filming on) was raining heavily at many times meaning we weren't able to get as much done as we had hoped because the ground and the weather weren't suitable filming conditions. However, on this date we managed to get roughly half of our film done.
We have planned to go back for more filming on the 7th of March (Wednesday) and possibly the 11th (Sunday) if needs be. This should allow us to have our film finished and ready for editing.
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