Friday 18 November 2011

Narrative Analysis Questions

The Sixth Sense

What has happened?
Two people are living in a house and they go up stairs to have sexual intercourse. While they are up stairs the ladies realises that the window is broken and she then see that her phone is on the floor. From this point both characters are confused until the ladie screams as she feels a shadow run across the room in the bathroom. The camera moves into the bathroom, where we see a naked person standing up who has a mood disorder. both the naked man and the male house holder start talking as they realise the know each other from a bad past which lead to the naked man shooting the male house owner and then is self.

What do you think will happen next?
I think next, the scene will be filmed at a funeral, police station or hospital. This is due to the fact that a person got shot in his chest and that the other character did suicide. I picked these places because when you die you have a funeral service, when you get shot you go to hospital and because the was a shooting and death was involved, the police may of wanted to ask questions if investigating.
How has fear been created?
Fear as been created in a psychological way as the sound of the wind, the broken glass and the darkness creates tention. They have done this by making the audience scare thereselves, such as when we see the shadow run across the room we actually create and cause adrenaline to be realised as imagine/think about things that are not there.
Where is it set? How has it been lit?
It has been set in a empty house surrounded by trees. We know this because as the character look at the broken window, it allows us to have a quick look at outside where we carnt see nothing except for leaves hanging off tree's. The lighting is used in the bathroom which then shines on into the bedroom where the character are, giving it a dull colour and low lighting which automatically tell us that something is about to happen or appear.
Do we see the threat/victim?
During the film, the camera shots and angles allow the audience to see threat/victim. This is good because it allows us focus onto the victim and create feelings for him so that when he is hurt we automatically feel so sorry for him and it also make us feel more scared. This is also good because when the victim get shot it also allows us to see that happen which also make us think and feel yet again scared.

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