Friday 24 February 2012

First Shoot and run at editing

Here is the first go we had at putting our film together after our first shoot, we managed to get the majority of our film done however some parts have to be filmed. We've used different angles and shots which are present within the footage such as the extreme close up of the eyes, the high angled shot and the close up of the feet. We believe most of our shots are steady except for one in which the high angle is present, this is because Kane had to stand in the tree so there was no stability from the tripod, however we feel this could help enforce horror as it gives the sense of something watching the character. We think it is well framed as we tried to use the rule of thirds and there isnt a lot of head space available which is making the shot wasteful. When going back to film we need to work on using more close ups for our film.

(We have not yet looked at or changed the sound)

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