Thursday 26 April 2012

Things to work on for the future

For future references, I think the main aspects that I need to work on improving are the soundtrack and carefully considering my location choice. The fact that the weather delayed our filming so much means that in the future, I would preferably choose an inside location because it means that we wouldn't be delayed as much in terms of filming and this would give my group more time to focus on editing. Not only this, filming in a public location means that you cannot guarantee privacy, however we did not suffer greatly from this. In terms of our soundtrack, compared to other films made by students in the previous years, I feel that our soundtrack lacked variety. Although it was a good piece of music, it did not vary greatly throughout our entire film and because of this I feel the music did lack slightly. Therefore, in regards to future filming, I would take the time to carefully consider where I'm filming, the problems that may occur because of this, the variety of my music and how much time we have left to complete our music.


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