Thursday, 26 April 2012

What was difficult about this project?

When looking back, I think the most difficult/challenging aspect of producing our film was the fact that we had chosen to film outside. The thing we hadn't thought about was how predictable the weather was going to be and because of this, we suffered a lot of setbacks when it came to producing our film. On our first filming schedule, the heavy downpour of snow meant we couldn't film due to continuity errors that would occur if we had to re-film. Also, on many other occasions, the heavy rain made it difficult for us to film certain scenes and to even use our camera equipment incase it broke. Because of these difficulties, we ended up very rushed for time to finish filming, whilst many others within our class had finished all of their filming. We did actually manage to have our film done on time, but the weather certainly delayed us and meant we weren't able to finish our filming on the times we had hoped for.  I found that when it came to filming, it was also difficult to exactly replicate all the shots we had intended to do. This is because whilst we filmed we also thought about how we would then take this footage to make a continuity edited piece, so when filming certain shots, I struggled to see whether or not the shot was good enough to be in the film. However, because of this, we ended up filming many takes of the same shot and this meant we did not have to go back to re-film shots we had already done because even though we may have faulted in one shot, we had filmed another replica to replace it.


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