Monday 9 January 2012

How Sound Creates Effect

We believe sound provides a very strong contribution towards the final outcome of a film as sound can play such an effective role in telling the audience what emotions to feel and when they should feel them. Not only this, sound can convince a viewer to side with a character or have feelings of dislike towards them. We find that this video is quite useful in demonstrating how sound can create effect as the director has chosen to feature diegetic sounds within this footage that although intended to be present, it is clear that the sound would not have been created by the characters or anything within the footage. This does not change the fact that the sound is clearly intended to be present with what is happening and that the sound happens to appear quite realistic and create effect within the scene as the sounds help to exaggerate the fight scene. The sounds added within this sequence make the violence featured seem very dramatic and create an impact for the audience which makes viewing the scene quite enjoyable.

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