Thursday 5 January 2012

Samantha Whawell Assessment of previous work 2.

In this short horror we see a group of three young girls who contact beyond the living. I think that this is a very successful horror as it includes all aspects of what a horror should. I feel that the sound in this video is a particualar strong point as the bells ringing at the beginning are very uncomforting and help set a tense atmosphere it also links to religion which i feel made this a strong aspect for the sequence as well as the use of silence. I also think that by chanting something that the audience do not understand makes it more attention grabbing as it intrigues you to know what is being said. Another aspect to the film that i feel is a strong point is the use of costume and make up. At the beggining we are introduced to 3 girls dressed in normal clothing, however when one of the girls is possessed she looks completetly different when she is in the white room. I think by using contact lenses and making her eyes darker it made them stand out and clear for the audience that her body had been taken over. However, i feel as though when the camera pans into her eyes it could have more of an impact when it cuts to the white room scene. It is obvious that this sequence is a horror film due to the use of lighting scu has the shadows of the feet when walking across the roof and when the girl walk past. I think that this is really effective as as well as adding mystery to the horror, it also makes it flow nicely. This genre of horror has cleverly been used and creates fear through the sence of sound and the shots used and the location as it is abandond. It has a wide range of shots such as close ups and establishing shots, these are used to show detail to things that are happening and make an unatural feeling forward for the audience and long shots to use to establish the different locations in which are used. I think that the camera shot where it is moving through the corridors is particularly good as it makes you feel as though you are the possession that is coming for the girls. Everything included within the scene of the horror is relevant to the genre such as the chanting around the candles, these are postioned so you focus on them.


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